Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

Instructions for Using the Virtual Labor Market Data System

Instructions for Finding Data Sets

Use links below to download and/or print PDF files with step-by-step instructions for finding data sets in the virtual labor market data system. On-screen instructions can also be found as a link from each of our menu pages for data sets included in the virtual system.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Employment levels by industry, from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program

Industry employment projections

Job candidates data (See on-screen instructions.)

Job openings data - Please see the options on our Job Openings Data menu page.

Labor force data for an area, including unemployment rates

Median household income data

Nonfarm wage and salaried workers by industry

Occupational employment projections

Occupational wage estimates

Online-advertised job openings (See on-screen instructions.)

Per capita personal income data

Population data (total population data)

Population demographic data (by age and gender)

Total income data

Instructions for Finding Data Required on WIOA Forms

Comparing information on two occupations (Helpful for completion of "Labor Market Information for Re-Employment Services," DLR WIOA Manual Section 10, Form 64)

Researching career options (Helpful for completion of "Career Interest Research," DLR WIOA Manual Section 10, Form 27B)

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