Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

What's New


Provision of professional services: a thriving South Dakota business in its own right

Learn about what the Professional Services industry entails and what the recent trends have been.

Overview of South Dakota Labor Market

See an overview of the labor market in South Dakota based on the most current data available, November 2024.

Snapshot of South Dakota's Economy

Get a quick synopsis, or snapshot, of the most current data available for numerous closely watched economic indicators.

Multiple data sets updated in virtual labor market data system

Coordinated wtih the release of data published in the December 2024 issue of the Labor Bulletin are several data sets which have been updated in our virtual system:

  • Population (including revised data from the 2010-2019 intercensal population estimates for the United States, statewide South Dakota, and the following South Dakota areas: counties, cities, and Metropolitan Statistcal Area [MSA])
  • Commuter data for 2020 for statewide South Dakota and all counties
  • Income (including 2019-2023 Personal Capita Personal Income, Total Income and Median Household Income for the United States, statewide South Dakota and all South Dakota counties

Release Dates

Find out when the next data release from LMIC will be.