Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

What's New


Serving samples from a smorgasboard of detailed employment and wage data

In this month's article, we're serving just a few samples of the detailed South Dakota employment and wage data available in the recently published 2023 Annual Report of data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) which was published June 12, 2024. The QCEW program is the most comprehensive source of establishment, employment and pay data on South Dakota industries and is the only source of data on establishment size in the state. Let us whet your appetite in the article, then check out the full Annual Report.

Overview of South Dakota Labor Market

See an overview of the labor market in South Dakota based on the most current data available, May 2024.

Snapshot of South Dakota's Economy

Get a quick synopsis, or snapshot, of the most current data available for numerous closely watched economic indicators.

Release Dates

Find out when the next data release from LMIC will be.