Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Division of Insurance - Long-Term Care

Consumer Information

Companies Licensed to Sell Long-Term Care Insurance and Actively Marketing in South Dakota

Long-Term Care Partnership

Purchasing Long-Term Care Insurance

Producer Information

Pursuant to Administrative Rule of South Dakota (ARSD) 20:06:21:74, an individual may not sell, solicit, or negotiate long-term care insurance unless the individual is licensed as an insurance producer for health or life. The licensed producer must have completed eight hours of training prior to selling, soliciting, or negotiating long-term care insurance. In addition, each licensed producer must complete four hours of training by July 1 of every second year following 2008 (even numbered years).

The training required shall consist of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and, if applicable, qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs, including:

  1. State and federal requirements and the relationship between qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs and other public and private coverage of long-term care services, including Medicaid;
  2. Available long-term care services and providers;
  3. Changes or improvements in long-term care services or providers;
  4. Alternative to the purchase of private long-term care insurance;
  5. The effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and
  6. Consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Approved Training Courses and Offerings

Long-Term Care Frequently Asked Questions for Producers

Long-Term Care Presentation (Adobe PDF format)

Administrative Rules of South Dakota regarding Long-Term Care Insurance

SD Medicaid State Specific Training Only

SD Medicaid Guide Designed for Producer Training

Unable to find the answers to your long-term care questions? Contact the Division of Insurance for assistance.

Contact the Division of Insurance