New Hire Reporting
All employers are required to report newly hired or re-hired employees to the New Hire Reporting Center per state and federal law. This includes full-time, part-time, student or temporary workers. New Hire Data is mainly used to locate parents and establish or enforce child support orders, but is also instrumental in preventing fraudulent reemployment assistance claims and fraudulent benefit assistance claims.
Please note: Be sure to report to the New Hire Reporting Center the employee’s name and Social Security number as it appears on his or her Social Security card, even if the person's name has changed.
Submitting your quarterly reports does not qualify as reporting your employees to new hire.
Contact the New Hire Reporting Center immediately with any change in your business address and phone number.
Contact Us
New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 4700
Aberdeen, SD 57402-4700
Phone: 888.827.6078 (toll-free) or
605.626.2942 (local in Aberdeen)
Fax: 888-835-8659 (toll-free) or 605.626.2842 (local in Aberdeen)