Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

Income Data

Available in the virtual labor market data system for the United States, South Dakota and counties:

Median Household Income

Median Household Income from the U.S. Census Bureau

See step by step instructions for finding median household income data.

Per Capita Income

Per Capita Income from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

See step by step instructions for finding per capita income data.

Total Income

Total Income from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

See step by step instructions for finding total income data.

Available from Other Sources

U.S. Census Bureau

Bureau of Economic Analysis (national income data)

Bureau of Economic Analysis (income data for all states)

*Although income data is available from sources other than the Labor Market Information Center, if you need assistance on the best measure of income to use for your particular needs, please contact us.

Other Related Resources

Real Wage Calculator (Governor's Office of Economic Development)


Visit our Definitions page for explanations of median household income, per capita income and total income.