Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

Release Dates

Reference Month
of Data

Release of
U.S. Data

Release of Statewide
Labor Force &
Nonfarm Worker Data
Release of all
Monthly Data and
South Dakota
e-Labor Bulletin
Release of
Seasonally Adjusted
Labor Force Data
for Metropolitan Areas
June 2024 07/05/24 07/18/24 07/26/24 07/30/24
July 2024 08/02/24 08/15/24 08/23/24 08/28/24
August 2024 09/06/24 09/19/24 09/27/24 10/02/24
September 2024 10/04/24 10/18/24 10/25/24 10/30/24
October 2024 11/01/24 11/15/24 11/22/24 11/27/24
November 2024 12/06/24 12/19/24 12/27/24 01/03/25
December 2024 01/10/25 01/24/25 01/31/25 02/05/25


Links to Data on Release Dates

The following are links to where each release of data can be found on our website on the date indicated.

U.S. data - Economic Snapshot

Statewide labor force & nonfarm worker data - Economic Snapshot

Monthly data for all areas (including counties) - South Dakota e-Labor Bulletin

Seasonally adjusted labor force data for metropolitan areas - Economic Snapshot