Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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South Dakota e-Labor Bulletin

July 2024

What does the future hold for South Dakota industries?

Using new South Dakota industry employment projections to 2032 recently released here, we've highlighted which South Dakota industries are projected to grow the fastest, and why. Learn more.

National Ice Cream Month: Get the scoop here!

In celebration of National Ice Cream month in July, we gathered a few related workforce stats just for fun. Get the scoop here!

Overview of South Dakota Labor Market

See an overview of the labor market in South Dakota based on the most current data available, June 2024.

New South Dakota Hot Careers and Top 30 Careers announced

Using new occupational employment and demand projections to 2032 and the latest wage data available, a new list of the state's high-demand, high-wage careers has been identified. See the new list with supporting data. All DLR resources featuring each Hot Career have been updated as well, including links to current job openings, links to learn more in the virtual labor market data system, and Occupational Profiles. Visit our Hot Careers menu to learn more.

Snapshot of South Dakota's Economy

Get a quick synopsis, or snapshot, of the most current data available for numerous closely watched economic indicators

Latest Workforce Data Available

View tables of the most recent labor market data available, including labor force and unemployment rates, nonfarm worker levels and more.

South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation Services

The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation provides services for businesses to help them maintain a skilled workforce and handle various labor issues and services for individuals to help them identify opportunities and prepare for and maintain productive employment. DLR has professional staff in 16 job service offices throughout the state ready to serve your needs. Find the nearest Job Service office.

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Release Dates

Find out when the next data release from LMIC will be.

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