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- StartTodaySD Apprenticeship Program
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- Workforce Training for Adults & Dislocated Workers
- Workforce Training for Young Adults
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Adult Education & Training Opportunities
The Department of Labor and Regulation offers a variety of training and education programs to help individuals realize their potential as employees in high-demand, high-wage careers and to help ensure employers have the skilled workforce needed.
DLR can adapt and customize its education and job training programs to meet the needs of participants and the changing needs of employers. By enrolling in training programs, participants will receive individualized assistance from a DLR staff member and the full array of services DLR offers job seekers. Program length varies by program and by the provider (school or business).
Education and Training Programs
Adult Education and Literacy Programs
Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) programs build skills for success. Programs offer eligible adults the opportunity to gain and improve skills that can enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens at no cost. Subjects include Reading, Mathematics, English Language Acquisition, Digital Literacy, and GED® Test Preparation. Learn more about these valuable services our partners provide.
SD UpSkill
SD UpSkill helps shoulder the cost of a credential for our state’s most in-demand industries. Eligible individuals can get a new credential that opens doors – all for little or no cost. You can review a list of eligible programs by reviewing the Eligible Training Program List (ETPL).
Training Opportunities
On-The-Job Training
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is provided by an employer and provides knowledge or skills essential to the performance of the job while the employer is reimbursed up to 50% of the employee’s wage rate.
An OJT is like a contract between the employer and DLR. The business pays and trains the person, and DLR will reimburse them for 50% of the wages upon completion of the OJT. In the end, the person gains experience and skills that will lead them to their career of choice.
To find out more, contact your job service office or begin the process to request services online.
Work Experience
A work experience is a planned, structured learning experience in a workplace for a limited period of time. Work Experiences provide participants with opportunities for skill development, while earning a paycheck.
A Work Experience is usually part-time/temporary and in conjunction with an educational component such as studying for the GED® or taking post-secondary classes. DLR pays the wages and is the employer of record. A work experience allows the person to build their resume and learn more about an occupation in their field. This one is more about exposure to an occupation (think internship).
To find out more, contact your job service office or begin the process to request services online.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
If you’re 55 or older with limited income, DLR may be able to help you fine meaningful work where you can improve your skills through paid job training through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).
The SCSEP provides temporary, part-time work experience and training opportunities to South Dakota residents 55 years and older who qualify. Earn an income while staying active and boosting your employment outlook. Learn how to participate.
Registered Apprenticeships
A Registered Apprenticeship is a learn and earn model that leads to a national recognized credential. An apprentice is hired by an employer who provides paid on-the-job training. In addition to the on-the-job application, an apprentice completes a practical classroom instruction related to their employment. This training system produces highly skilled workers to meet the demands of employers competing in a global economy.
DLR offers technical assistance to businesses as they develop a customized Registered Apprenticeship program to meet their workforce needs. This curriculum is then reviewed and approved by the U.S. DOL Office of Apprenticeship. South Dakota has more than 100 Registered Apprenticeship programs in industries like construction, dental, municipalities, health services, fire protection, fire medic, electric, plumbing and building maintenance.
Learn more about the Registered Apprenticeship program.
Learn more about the South Dakota labor market conditions on the apprenticeable occupation(s) you are considering.
Post-Secondary Success Modules
DLR also offers Post-Secondary Success Modules which can help you prepare as you work toward your education goals. Topics include career exploration, financial aid and more.
Ask about Financial/Tuition Assistance
DLR has tuition assistance available for eligible people looking to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities for some of the programs above as well as other trainings and educational opportunities. To determine if you qualify for financial assistance, contact your local job service office or begin the process to request services online.