South Dakota Plumbing Commission
Due to issues beyond our control, our new licensing database will not be available for our June renewals. Paper renewal forms will be mailed out by June 1st. If you have any questions regarding your renewal, please contact our office at 605-773-3429.
Licensing Requirements
Licensing requirements are detailed below for each of the following occupations.
Apprentice License for all categories
Plumbing Application - use this application for all categories (except apprentice) and submit with appropriate fee.
Plumbing Contractor/Journeyman Plumber
To apply for the plumbing contractor's license, you must:
- Have six years experience as a plumbing contractor, plumber, or plumber's apprentice with at least two of those years as a plumbing contractor or plumber.
- Have spent at least 1,900 hours per year during these six years as a plumbing contractor, plumber or plumber's apprentice.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $375 examination and license fee.
To apply for the journeyman plumber's license, you must:
- Have four years experience as an apprentice plumber.
- Have spent at least 1,900 hours per year during these four years as an apprentice. Credit for military plumbing is given at the rate of one year credit for each two years in the military up to a maximum of five years of credit.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $205 examination and license fee.
Sewer and Water Contractor/Installer
To apply for a sewer and water contractor's license, you must:
- Have one year of experience as a sewer and water installer.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $335 examination and license fee .
To apply for a sewer and water installer's license, you must:
- Have two years experience as a sewer and water apprentice.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $165 examination and license fee.
Appliance Contractor/Installer/Apprentice
To apply for an appliance contractor's license, you must:
- Have one year of experience as an appliance installer.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $260 examination and license fee of $260.
To apply for an appliance installer's license, you must:
- Have two years experience as an appliance apprentice.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $165 examination and license fee.
Water Conditioning Contractor/Installer
To apply for a water conditioning contractor's license, you must:
- Have one year experience as a water conditioning installer.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $260 examination and license fee.
To apply for a water conditioning installer's license, you must:
- Have two years experience as a water conditioning apprentice.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $165 examination and license fee.
Mobile Home Contractor/Installer
To apply for a mobile home contractor's license, you must:
- Have one year experience as a mobile home installer.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $260 examination and license fee.
To apply for a mobile home installer's license, you must:
- Have two years experience as a mobile home apprentice.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $165 examination and license fee.
Underground Irrigation Contractor/Installer
To apply for an underground irrigation contractor's license, you must:
- Have one year experience as an underground irrigation installer.
- Fill out the plumbing application and pay a $260 examination and license fee. .
To apply for an underground irrigation installer's license, you must:
- Have two years experience as an underground irrigation apprentice.
- Fill out the polumbing application and pay a $165 examination and license fee.
Apprentice Application (all categories)
To apply for an apprentice license you must:
- Fill out the apprentice application showing the plumber under which you are working.
Fill out the application and pay a fee of $10. Apprentice plumbers who have had two years (3,800 hours) experience in learning and assisting in the installation, alteration and repair of plumbing under a plumbing contractor may work without supervision during their third year and fourth year, only on single family dwellings and only upon satisfactorily passing a state-administered examination.