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Labor Market Information Center
2022 Annual Report
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
The table below shows annual pay for covered workers by county for 2021 and 2022. The county with the highest annual pay for 2022 was Union County at $70,193.
Most of South Dakota’s counties experienced increases in annual pay. The highest percentage gains occurred in McCook, Perkins and Roberts counties. The largest actual numeric gains occurred in McCook, Perkins and Edmunds counties.Annual Pay for Covered Workers by County 2021 and 2022 |
County | 2021 | 2022 | Percent Change | County | 2021 | 2022 | Percent Change | |
Aurora | $36,025 | $38,571 | 7.1% | Hyde | $48,123 | $50,870 | 5.7% | |
Beadle | $45,259 | $47,566 | 5.1% | Jackson | $36,740 | $38,287 | 4.2% | |
Bennett | $38,643 | $38,856 | 0.6% | Jerauld | $41,011 | $43,099 | 5.1% | |
Bon Homme | $38,139 | $40,680 | 6.7% | Jones | $31,919 | $33,321 | 4.4% | |
Brookings | $49,204 | $52,253 | 6.2% | Kingsbury | $40,296 | $43,819 | 8.7% | |
Brown | $49,772 | $51,760 | 4.0% | Lake | $48,884 | $50,632 | 3.6% | |
Brule | $40,663 | $44,160 | 8.6% | Lawrence | $44,819 | $47,744 | 6.5% | |
Buffalo | $50,187 | $45,620 | -9.1% | Lincoln | $58,176 | $62,167 | 6.9% | |
Butte | $37,647 | $40,453 | 7.5% | Lyman | $35,596 | $36,232 | 1.8% | |
Campbell | $38,757 | $40,761 | 5.2% | McCook | $40,818 | $46,336 | 13.5% | |
Charles Mix | $41,191 | $42,958 | 4.3% | McPherson | $36,214 | $37,369 | 3.2% | |
Clark | $37,371 | $40,305 | 7.9% | Marshall | $46,222 | $48,740 | 5.4% | |
Clay | $42,309 | $43,856 | 3.7% | Meade | $46,977 | $50,265 | 7.0% | |
Codington | $44,781 | $47,664 | 6.4% | Mellette | $30,872 | $30,752 | -0.4% | |
Corson | $43,210 | $44,195 | 2.3% | Miner | $37,082 | $39,670 | 7.0% | |
Custer | $40,869 | $43,535 | 6.5% | Minnehaha | $57,567 | $60,659 | 5.4% | |
Davison | $46,316 | $48,624 | 5.0% | Moody | $44,824 | $48,242 | 7.6% | |
Day | $38,554 | $40,855 | 6.0% | Oglala Lakota | $50,466 | $50,207 | -0.5% | |
Deuel | $47,730 | $50,183 | 5.1% | Pennington | $50,370 | $52,902 | 5.0% | |
Dewey | $46,611 | $45,904 | -1.5% | Perkins | $36,747 | $40,900 | 11.3% | |
Douglas | $39,569 | $42,641 | 7.8% | Potter | $46,559 | $45,701 | -1.8% | |
Edmunds | $43,931 | $48,044 | 9.4% | Roberts | $40,879 | $44,927 | 9.9% | |
Fall River | $43,307 | $45,765 | 5.7% | Sanborn | $35,488 | $37,590 | 5.9% | |
Faulk | $38,688 | $38,658 | -0.1% | Spink | $44,614 | $47,211 | 5.8% | |
Grant | $48,618 | $50,864 | 4.6% | Stanley | $41,064 | $42,772 | 4.2% | |
Gregory | $36,444 | $36,853 | 1.1% | Sully | $52,029 | $48,322 | -7.1% | |
Haakon | $42,515 | $46,159 | 8.6% | Todd | $49,894 | $48,586 | -2.6% | |
Hamlin | $47,167 | $50,863 | 7.8% | Tripp | $40,447 | $44,093 | 9.0% | |
Hand | $37,258 | $38,350 | 2.9% | Turner | $40,668 | $43,407 | 6.7% | |
Hanson | $43,404 | $45,978 | 5.9% | Union | $66,995 | $70,193 | 4.8% | |
Harding | $43,740 | $44,957 | 2.8% | Walworth | $38,527 | $41,409 | 7.5% | |
Hughes | $51,327 | $55,166 | 7.5% | Yankton | $49,561 | $52,085 | 5.1% | |
Hutchinson | $41,218 | $43,706 | 6.0% | Ziebach | $40,880 | $39,467 | -3.5% | |
Data subject to revision. Produced by the Labor Market Information Center, South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. |