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Labor Market Information Center
2022 Annual Report
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Other Services Supersector
The Other Services supersector contains one sector, Other Services. Businesses within this supersector provide services not elsewhere specified, including repairs and personal care.
South Dakota Covered Workers and Pay 2022 |
Supersector, Sector and Subsector | Number of Establishments | Average Number of Workers | Annual Pay |
Other Services | 2,672 | 12,228 | $41,695 |
Other Services, except Public Administration | 2,672 | 12,228 | $41,695 |
Repair and Maintenance | 1,206 | 4,947 | $49,196 |
Personal and Laundry Services | 609 | 3,253 | $32,623 |
Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional and Similar Organizations | 632 | 3,842 | $40,633 |
Private Households | 225 | 186 | $22,833 |
Totals may not add due to rounding. Data subject to revision. Produced by the Labor Market Information Center, South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. |
Other Services (except Public Administration)
NAICS Sector 81
The average number of workers in the Other Services sector industry increased 5.8% from 2021 to 2022. Employment gains of 671 generated new levels for the industry, with an annual average of 12,228 in 2022. The establishments in this sector are businesses which typically have small-scale employment. The annual pay for this sector increased $2,459 (6.3%) for a new average of $41,695 in 2022.
The Other Services industry includes a collection of establishments which offer an assortment of services and amenities. Four subsectors are a part of the Other Services sector:
- Repair and Maintenance (NAICS 811)
- Personal and Laundry Services (NAICS 812)
- Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations (NAICS 813)
- Private Households (NAICS 814)
The Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional and Similar Organizations subsector had positive employment growth during 2022. This subsector has had two consecutive years of increases, rebounding from 2020 low points during the COVID-19 pandemic. This subsector had the sharpest employment growth for this sector. The number of workers increased by 289 to arrive at the new total of 3,842, an 8.1% growth rate. Back in 2020, an accumulation of worker losses amounted to 264. Average annual wages also flourished during 2022 at a pace of 7.6%, reaching $40,633.
These establishments coordinate and promote religious activities; support various causes through grantmaking; advocate various social and political causes; and promote and defend the interests of their members. These establishments within this subsector may publish newsletters, books and periodicals for distribution to their membership. Community action groups and environmental advocacy organizations are social advocacy organizations promoting a particular cause or working for the realization of a specific social or political goal to benefit a broad constituency. Memberships and contributions are active, supporting the interests of people working in these professions so they can minister in serving the public. New businesses opened during 2022, adding to the payrolls and current businesses expanded enhancing the employment levels.
The Personal and Laundry Services subsectors average number of workers in 2022 was 3,253, an increase of 248 workers over the year, a solid 8.3% rate of growth. The annual average wage improved to $32,623 from $31,327 in 2021. This subsector includes establishments providing personal and laundry services to individuals, households and businesses. Personal services can come in an assortment of forms, but all include the performance of action instead of a supply of goods. Services performed include personal care services such as hair, nails and skin; death care services; laundry and dry-cleaning services; and a wide range of other personal services, such as pet care (except veterinary) services, photofinishing services, temporary parking services, and dating services. Day spas, massage parlors, saunas and other personal service establishments were noticeable contributors adding to worker rosters. Consumers were treating themselves more often, as COVID-19 situations may have prevented them from doing the previous two years. Many other subsectors provide services to people and are classified under different sectors.
There were 136 workers added to the employment figures from the Repair and Maintenance subsector. The number of workers settled at 4,947, a 2.8% growth rate. The average annual wage also grew. The yearly wage per worker increased $3,246 (7.1%) to $49,196. The establishments in this subsector recondition and refurbish commercial and industrial machinery, equipment, and other products to operational order. These establishments also typically provide general or routine maintenance (i.e., servicing) on such products to ensure they work efficiently and provide cost effective measures to prevent breakdown and unnecessary repairs so that life expectancy can be extended. Many establishments will serve both businesses and personal households safeguarding a nice complementary customer base. General automotive and maintenance repair establishments showed optimistic worker growth during 2022. Car repair, diesel engine repair and truck repair workshops opened new businesses in 2022 adding to the worker levels as well as other automotive repair shops such as tire repair and specialty diagnostic centers. Vehicle components are computerized and becoming more complex requiring specific repair service. Consumers with specific essentials take advantage of vehicle services offering an array of amenities featured by these establishments.
Private Households saw a slight decrease in employment. The subsector felt a loss of three workers, decreasing to a total of 186 workers. Average annual wages strengthened by 5.5% to $22,833. Establishments in the subsector are private households that involve employing domestic personnel on or about the premises in activities primarily concerned with the operation of the household. These private households may employ individuals, such as cooks, maids, nannies, butlers, cleaning people, private nurses and outside workers, such as gardeners, caretakers, and other maintenance workers. This industry tends to have a steady small workforce overall. Childcare personnel or nannies employ majority of the workers for this industry grouping. Families with their busy schedules and parents employed need the services offered by childcare providers. These workers are paid hourly, salaried or on a per job basis.