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Labor Market Information Center
2022 Annual Report
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Manufacturing Supersector
The Manufacturing supersector contains one sector, Manufacturing. Businesses within this supersector transform materials, substances or components into new products.
South Dakota Covered Workers and Pay 2022 |
Supersector, Sector and Subsector | Number of Establishments | Average Number of Workers | Annual Pay |
Manufacturing | 1,103 | 45,101 | $59,036 |
Manufacturing | 1,103 | 45,101 | $59,036 |
Food Manufacturing | 138 | 10,984 | $59,025 |
Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 37 | 320 | $24,983 |
Textile Mills | 1 | * | * |
Textile Product Mills | 23 | 638 | $47,200 |
Apparel Manufacturing | 6 | 48 | $34,210 |
Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 4 | 10 | $18,308 |
Wood Product Manufacturing | 55 | 2,146 | $58,891 |
Paper Manufacturing | 10 | 679 | $68,330 |
Printing and Related Support Activities | 95 | 1,354 | $50,475 |
Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 1 | * | * |
Chemical Manufacturing | 39 | 1,138 | $76,921 |
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 47 | 1,617 | $57,768 |
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 86 | 1,687 | $71,445 |
Primary Metal Manufacturing | 7 | 630 | $68,149 |
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 179 | 4,086 | $53,715 |
Machinery Manufacturing | 124 | 6,045 | $60,690 |
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 33 | 2,325 | $48,846 |
Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component Manufacturing | 14 | 418 | $55,204 |
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 48 | 3,777 | $58,757 |
Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 68 | 2,233 | $56,084 |
Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 88 | 4,965 | $64,145 |
*Data was suppressed to prevent disclosure of confidential information. |
NAICS Sectors 31-33
The Manufacturing sector’s employment level increased by 1,282 workers (2.9%) to a total of 45,101 in 2022. This sector comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances or components into new products. Businesses are involved in durable and nondurable goods manufacturing. Establishments included in durable goods manufacturing manufacture goods with a normal life expectancy of three or more years. These items typically consist of higher dollar products, such as machinery, furniture, building materials and electronic equipment. Non-durable goods typically consist of food and beverage, clothing and paper products. These goods generally have normal life expectancy of less than three years.
There were 15 subsectors showing employment gain during 2022. The subsectors are listed in order of actual worker gain:
- Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS 336): 330 workers (9.6%)
- Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing (NAICS 332): 308 workers (8.2%)
- Miscellaneous Manufacturing (NAICS 339): 242 workers (5.1%)
- Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing (NAICS 334): 207 workers (9.8%)
- Food Manufacturing (NAICS 311): 104 workers (1.0%)
- Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing (NAICS 327): 78 workers (4.8%)
- Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing (NAICS 326): 63 workers (4.1%)
- Chemical Manufacturing (NAICS 325): 41 workers (3.7%)
- Printing and Related Support Activities (NAICS 323): 41 workers (3.1%)
- Primary Metal Manufacturing (NAICS 331): 32 workers (5.4%)
- Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing (NAICS 312): 31 workers (10.7%)
- Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component Manufacturing (NAICS 335): 22 workers (5.6%)
- Apparel Manufacturing (NAICS 315): 6 workers (14.3%)
- Wood Product Manufacturing (NAICS 321): 4 workers (0.2%)
- Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing (NAICS 316): 2 workers (25.0%)
Only six of the 21 subsectors saw decreased worker levels in 2022:
- Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing (NAICS 337): 88 workers (3.8%)
- Machinery Manufacturing (NAICS 333): 88 workers (1.4%)
- Paper Manufacturing (NAIS 322): 28 workers (4.0%)
- Textile Product Mills (NAICS 314): 21 workers (3.2%)
- Textile Mills (NAICS 313): 3 workers (100.0%)
- Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing (NAICS 324): 1 worker (50.0%)
Establishments in the Transportation Equipment Manufacturing subsector produce equipment for transporting people and goods. Production processes include bending, forming, welding and machining metal or plastic parts into components and finished products. The subsector has industry groups for the manufacture of equipment/parts for each mode of transport: road, rail, air and water. The two industry groups with the largest presence in South Dakota are Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing and Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing. These two industries account for 96% of all employment in the subsector.
The 2022 annual pay for the Manufacturing sector was $59,036, an increase of 5.7% compared to the 2021 level of $56,072. Annual pay increased in 16 of the 21 Manufacturing subsectors. The five with the largest percentage increase are listed below.
- Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing (NAICS 324): $45,316 (49.4%)
- Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing (NAICS 337): $7,884 (16.4%)
- Paper Manufacturing (NAIS 322): $8,424 (14.1%)
- Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing (NAICS 335): $6,137 (12.5%)
- Food Manufacturing (NAICS 311): $4,594 (8.4%)
While most of the Manufacturing sector had an increase in annual salary, annual pay fell in five subsectors:
- Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing (NAICS 324): $77,779 (45.9%)
- Apparel Manufacturing (NAICS 315): $4,408 (11.4%)
- Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing (NAICS 334): $2,720 (5.3%)
- Beverage and Tobacco Products Manufacturing (NAICS 312): $994 (3.8%)
- Textile Product Mills (NAICS 314): $1,012 (2.1%)
Textile Mills (NAICS 313) was the only subsector without any reported South Dakota employment in the Manufacturing industry in 2022. Establishments in the Textile Mills subsector transform a basic fiber into a product, such as yarn or fabric that is further manufactured into usable items such as apparel, sheets, towels, and textile bags for individual or industrial consumption.