%@ Page Language="C#" %> Labor Market Information Center - Pandemic Picture

Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Labor Market Information Center

Pandemic Picture: Impacts on the Labor Market

This page was updated each month during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep users informed of how the pandemic was impacting South Dakota's labor economy, using the following key data sets.

  • Labor Force (including unemployment rate)
  • Nonfarm Worker Levels
  • Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

By March 2022, trends in each of these data sets showed South Dakota had recovered from the pandemic's impacts. In each case, March 2022 employment levels were as high or even higher than they were when the pandemic struck. This Pandemic Picture page was archived at that point and has not been updated since. If you have questions or would like similar information, please contact us.

Please see the annual South Dakota Workforce Reports for information on how these key workforce indicators have performed since recovery from the pandemic.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact us.