Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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South Dakota e-Labor Bulletin

South Dakota and Area Annualized Pay

January 2023 to December 2023
Statewide $56,067 Douglas County $45,127 McPherson County $40,328
Rapid City MSA $54,491 Edmunds County $49,895 Marshall County $50,990
Sioux Falls MSA $62,382 Fall River County $48,597 Meade County $54,218
Aurora County $40,349 Faulk County $41,134 Mellette County $34,300
Beadle County $49,455 Grant County $53,062 Miner County $41,671
Bennett County $41,083 Gregory County $39,143 Minnehaha County $62,688
Bon Homme County $42,927 Haakon County $46,185 Moody County $50,678
Brookings County $54,395 Hamlin County $52,772 Oglala Lakota County $50,695
Brown County $52,565 Hand County $42,395 Pennington County $54,936
Brule County $40,588 Hanson County $48,337 Perkins County $41,113
Buffalo County $47,832 Harding County $44,724 Potter County $45,805
Butte County $43,364 Hughes County $58,415 Roberts County $43,913
Campbell County $44,754 Hutchinson County $46,689 Sanborn County $38,565
Charles Mix County $44,775 Hyde County $52,612 Spink County $50,073
Clark County $46,489 Jackson County $39,486 Stanley County $44,651
Clay County $46,630 Jerauld County $43,788 Sully County $51,309
Codington County $50,054 Jones County $35,136 Todd County $49,055
Corson County $46,352 Kingsbury County $45,847 Tripp County $46,052
Custer County $45,009 Lake County $54,078 Turner County $44,730
Davison County $51,697 Lawrence County $49,532 Union County $70,966
Day County $43,771 Lincoln County $63,086 Walworth County $44,579
Deuel County $51,834 Lyman County $36,533 Yankton County $54,760
Dewey County $48,360 McCook County $47,143 Ziebach County $41,266
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Labor Market Information Center, South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Access historical annual pay data.
See the definition of Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
See technical notes about the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program.