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Labor Market Information Center
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Occupations
The occupations below are in the Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) career cluster.
- Simply click on any occupational title below to learn more about the occupation in our virtual labor market data system.
- For even more in-depth information on an occupation, follow the O*Net Link in the second column (by clicking on the occupational code).
Career Cluster posters are also available. If you are interested in printed copies, please see our Ordering Publications page.
Please note: A flames symbol like this in the listings of occupations indicates designation as a "Hot Career" in South Dakota, meaning it is a high demand-high wage occupation. A Top 30 icon like this indicates the occupation is among the Top 30 Hot Careers, one of the 30 with the greatest demand. Learn more about Hot Careers and the Top 30.
A symbol like this is linked to a video featuring one or more individuals employed in the occupation. The videos were originally recorded for South Dakota's Week of Work.
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