Labor Market Information Center
Public Service & Safety Occupations
The occupations below are in the Public Service and Safety career cluster.
- Simply click on any occupational title below to learn more about the occupation in our virtual labor market data system.
- For even more in-depth information on an occupation, follow the O*Net Link in the second column (by clicking on the occupational code).
Please note: A flames symbol like this
in the listings of occupations indicates designation as a "Hot Career" in South Dakota, meaning it is a high demand-high wage occupation. An icon like this
indicates the occupation is among the Top 30 Hot Careers, one of the 30 with the greatest demand. Learn more about Hot Careers and the Top 30.
Occupational Title |
O*Net Link |
Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers |
23-1021.00 |
Anthropologists and Archeologists |
19-3091.00 |
Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators |
23-1022.00 |
Archivists |
25-4011.00 |
Astronomers |
19-2011.00 |
Atmospheric and Space Scientists |
19-2021.00 |
Bailiffs |
33-3011.00 |
Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers |
11-9199.11 |
Budget Analysts |
13-2031.00 |
Building Cleaning Workers, All Other |
37-2019.00 |
Cartographers and Photogrammetrists |
17-1021.00 |
Civil Engineers  |
17-2051.00 |
Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other |
21-1099.00 |
Community Health Workers |
21-1094.00 |
Compliance Officers  |
13-1041.00 |
Computer Occupations, All Other |
15-1299.00 |
Conservation Scientists |
19-1031.00 |
Construction and Building Inspectors |
47-4011.00 |
Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria |
35-2012.00 |
Correctional Officers and Jailers  |
33-3012.00 |
Court Reporters and Simultaneous Captioners |
27-3092.00 |
Court, Municipal, and License Clerks |
43-4031.00 |
Crossing Guards and Flaggers |
33-9091.00 |
Detectives and Criminal Investigators |
33-3021.00 |
Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance |
43-5032.00 |
Economists |
19-3011.00 |
Education Administrators, All Other |
11-9039.00 |
Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs |
43-4061.00 |
Emergency Management Directors |
11-9161.00 |
Engineering Technologists and Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other |
17-3029.00 |
Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health |
19-4042.00 |
Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health |
19-2041.00 |
Epidemiologists |
19-1041.00 |
Facilities Managers |
11-3013.00 |
File Clerks |
43-4071.00 |
Fire Inspectors and Investigators |
33-2021.00 |
Firefighters |
33-2011.00 |
First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers |
33-1011.00 |
First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers |
33-1021.00 |
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives |
33-1012.00 |
First-Line Supervisors of Protective Service Workers, All Other |
33-1099.00 |
First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers |
33-1091.00 |
Fish and Game Wardens |
33-3031.00 |
Forensic Science Technicians |
19-4092.00 |
Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists |
33-2022.00 |
Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators |
33-9031.00 |
Geographers |
19-3092.00 |
Geological Technicians, Except Hydrologic Technicians |
19-4043.00 |
Grounds Maintenance Workers, All Other |
37-3019.00 |
Human Resources Managers |
11-3121.00 |
Information and Record Clerks, All Other |
43-4199.00 |
Interpreters and Translators |
27-3091.00 |
Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates |
23-1023.00 |
Judicial Law Clerks |
23-1012.00 |
Lawyers |
23-1011.00 |
Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants |
43-6012.00 |
Legal Support Workers, All Other |
23-2099.00 |
Legislators |
11-1031.00 |
Life Scientists, All Other |
19-1099.00 |
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers |
33-9092.00 |
Management Analysts  |
13-1111.00 |
Managers, All Other |
11-9199.00 |
Mathematicians |
15-2021.00 |
Meter Readers, Utilities |
43-5041.00 |
Nuclear Technicians |
19-4051.00 |
Paralegals and Legal Assistants |
23-2011.00 |
Parking Enforcement Workers |
33-3041.00 |
Physicists |
19-2012.00 |
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers  |
33-3051.00 |
Political Scientists |
19-3094.00 |
Postal Service Clerks |
43-5051.00 |
Postal Service Mail Carriers |
43-5052.00 |
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators |
43-5053.00 |
Postmasters and Mail Superintendents |
11-9131.00 |
Private Detectives and Investigators |
33-9021.00 |
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists |
21-1092.00 |
Protective Service Workers, All Other |
33-9099.00 |
Public Safety Telecommunicators |
43-5031.00 |
School Bus Monitors |
33-9094.00 |
Security Guards |
33-9032.00 |
Social and Community Service Managers |
11-9151.00 |
Social Science Research Assistants |
19-4061.00 |
Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other |
19-3099.00 |
Sociologists |
19-3041.00 |
Statisticians |
15-2041.00 |
Survey Researchers |
19-3022.00 |
Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents |
13-2081.00 |
Telephone Operators |
43-2021.00 |
Training and Development Managers |
11-3131.00 |
Transit and Railroad Police |
33-3052.00 |
Transportation Security Screeners |
33-9093.00 |
Urban and Regional Planners |
19-3051.00 |
Wind Energy Development Managers |
11-9199.10 |
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