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South Dakota Electrical Commission
Homeowner Wiring
South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL) 20:44:14:01(12) defines an "owner's exemption" as an exemption from licensure requirements for an individual owner who is personally installing electrical wiring and fixtures in a residence or farmstead which is owned and resided in or on by the person installing the electrical wiring or fixtures.
Homeowners are not required to be licensed to wire their own residence or farmstead which meet the requirements of SDCL 20:44:14:01; however, a wiring permit is required when a $10 or more fee is generated (see below). You may purchase a wiring permit from the South Dakota Electrical Commission. (Note: Homeowners are not allowed to conduct an installation on commercial or rental property with a Homeowner's permit. Homeowners of a mobile home or modular home are not allowed to conduct an installation on these structures unless the units are located on an owner occupied lot at the time the installation is conducted. These properties must be wired by a licensed South Dakota electrical contractor.)A fee is generated per the Fees for Inspections schedule. For instance, an individual may change up to four openings in a home before a permit is generated as the first 40 openings are $2 per opening. Opening could be fixtures, receptacles, switches, etc. Therefore you would not be required to pull a permit to change a light or two or four. But if you change out five or more openings of any combination, a fee of $10 or more would be generated requiring a permit. Please note, an installer may request an inspection for any installation whether it generates a $10 fee or not.
To obtain a Homeowner's Wiring Permit, mail a check made payable to the South Dakota Electrical Commission and remit the Homeowner Permit Application (Adobe PDF format). You may also remit your application via scan/fax with credit card information. Do Not email credit card information, we can only accept credit payment by fax or phone call. Please note, fees are required to be paid before inspections are conducted.
Fee Examples (please remember to add $15 for the permit fee):
- New homes starting July 1, 2020: $160 plus $15 permit fee (one rough in and one final). See 20:44:20:01 for services larger than 200 amps.
- New service in garage: $60 plus circuits plus $15 permit fee (final). See 20:44:20:02 for service larger than 200 amps and circuit fees.
- Service change: $100 plus new circuits plus $15 permit fee (final). See 20:44:20:02 for services larger than 200 amps and circuit fees.
- Remodels/finish basements/additions (no new service or replacement service): $50 per circuit added/altered – 1 allotted inspection per $75 fee. Estimated fees assume no corrections. Base fees limited to 20:44:20:02.
Note: Additional inspections over and above allotted inspections assessed at $75 per inspection.
Send payments to:
South Dakota Electrical Commission
217 W. Missouri Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
You may also remit your application via scan/fax with credit card information.
The Commission will mail you a homeowner’s permit when we receive your payment.
Please contact your State Electrical Inspector for inspections two times during your project.
Homeowner's Wiring Booklet - updated 2/2024
You must call!
Any installer must provide at least 72 hour notification to the inspector or the Commission office for an inspection. You are required to notify your local inspector and have a rough-in inspection completed prior to insulating, sheet rocking, paneling or covering the installation with any other type of material which would inhibit the rough-in inspection. Underground wiring must be inspected before the trench is back-filled. A final inspection is required for all jobs prior to occupancy. View the list of inspectors (City (PDF) | County (PDF) | Excel). The electrical inspectors' working hours are Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or you may leave a message on their phone 24 hours a day.
- Rough-in — This is when you have all of the boxes mounted, all wires installed to all of the boxes and properly stapled, supported and exposed for inspection (with no insulation, drywall or other material covering the wiring).
- Final Inspection — Everything should be complete at this time. All light fixtures, receptacles, switches, cover plates and other equipment such as water heaters, furnaces and other fixed in place equipment should be installed and energized.
When nearing the rough-in and final inspection, call your inspector to set up a time for your inspection. It is also very important to finalize the permit process, so PLEASE make sure you have a final inspection. There is no law requiring a "Green (final) Sticker," yet many home inspectors are noting the lack of "Green (final) Stickers" during home sale transactions.
Current life of a permit is three years. The homeowner is responsible to attain a permit to extend an installation longer than the original three-year period.
Failure to comply with state requirements may result in a non-compliant installation and/or administrative fees.
For more information, call the Electrical Commission.