South Dakota Plumbing Commission
The new licensing database is not available for licensing at this time. Paper renewal forms have been mailed out. If you did not receive a renewal form, renewal forms are available to print from our website. They are located on the Applications and Forms page under Forms. Licenses requiring continuing education for renewal will not be renewed until proof is received.
The South Dakota Plumbing Commission works to keep the citizens of our state and their property safe from the hazards associated with unsafe drinking water and unsafe waste disposal facilities.
The Commission:
- Administers the state laws and regulations concerning plumbing, sewer and water, appliance installation, manufactured and mobile home, underground irrigation, and water conditioning
- Inspects plumbing installations
- Investigates complaints related to plumbing
- Licenses all qualified plumbers, sewer and water installer, appliance installers, manufactured and mobile home, underground irrigation installers, water conditioning installers, and individual and small on-site wastewater system (septic) installers within the state
- Ensures updating and distribution of the state plumbing code
- Informs plumbers, inspection departments and the public about code requirements, new products and methods of installation
- Provides information of the Commission's activities, recommendations and requirements
The Commission is self-supporting and generates its revenues from fees charged to applicants, licensees, permits, and inspections. The Commission meetings are open to the public with meeting agendas and minutes posted on this website and the State of South Dakota Boards and Commissions portal.
Contact Us
South Dakota Plumbing Commission
217 W. Missouri Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3429
Fax: 605.773.5405
Program Director: Mandy Nielsen
Senior Secretary: Carol Ames
Part-time Secretary: Jennifer Anderson