Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Division of Insurance

Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers

(as of November 2024)

Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers
Alien ID
Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Name

Reciprocal Jurisdiction

Effective Date of Initial Application - Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Expiration Date Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Lines of Business
AA-3194126 Arch Reinsurance Ltd (Arch Re) Bermuda 08/02/2022 12/31/2025 Life, Annuity, Accident and Health, Marine Property and Casualty
AA-3194168 Aspen Bermuda Limited Bermuda 08/02/2022 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty
AA-1320152 Chubb European Group SE France 12/19/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty
AA-3191400 Convex Re Limited Bermuda 12/06/2021 12/31/2025

Property and Casualty, Accident and Health

AA-1120191 Convex Insurance UK Limited United Kingdom 12/06/2021 12/31/2025

Property and Casualty, Accident and Health

AA-3194122 Davicini Reinsurance Ltd Bermuda 10/12/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Accident and Health
AA-1340028 DEVK Re Germany 11/28/2023 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Life and Health
AA-3194130 Endurance Specialty Insurance Ltd Bermuda 04/18/2024 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty
AA-3191525 Fortitude International Reinsurance Ltd Bermuda 10/11/2024 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty, Life, Annuities, Accident and Health
AA-3191485 Fortitude Reinsurance Company Ltd Bermuda 04/19/2023 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty, Life, Annuities, Accident and Health
AA-3191437 Group Ark Insurance Limited Bermuda 12/02/2022 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty
AA-3191255 Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America (Bermuda) Ltd Bermuda 01/19/2023 12/31/2025 Life, Health, and Annuities
AA-3190060 Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd Bermuda 10/21/2024 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty
AA-1780044 Hannover Re (Ireland) DAC Ireland 11/04/2022 12/31/2025 Accident and Health, Property and Casualty
AA-1340125 Hannover Ruck SE Germany 10/31/2022 12/31/2025 Life and Health, Property and Casualty
AA-3190871 Lancashire Insurance Company Limited Bermuda 06/08/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty
AA-1840000 Mapfre Re, Compania de Reaseguros, S.A. Spain 07/13/2023 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty
AA-1460019 MS Amlin AG Switzerland 12/18/2023 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty
AA-3190686 Partner Reinsurance Company Ltd Bermuda 09/26/2022 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty, Life, Annuities, Accident and Health
AA-3190339 Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd Bermuda 10/12/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Life, Annuities, Accident and Health
AA-1460023 RenaissanceRe Europe AG Switzerland 10/12/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Accident and Health
AA-13191238 RenaissanceRe Specialty U.S. Ltd Bermuda 10/12/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Accident and Health
AA-3191400 Somers Re Ltd Bermuda 12/02/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty
AA-1460146 Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Switzerland 12/28/2022 12/31/2024 Life, Annuity, Accident and Health, Property and Casualty
AA-1122000 Underwriters at Lloyds London United Kingdom 05/23/2022 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty, Life, Annuities, Accident and Health
AA-3191388 Vermeer Reinsurance Ltd Bermuda 10/12/2022 12/31/2024 Property and Casualty, Accident and Health
AA-9350006 VIG Re zajistovna a.s. (VIG Re) Czech Republic 05/22/2024 12/31/2025 Property and Casualty, Life and Health

Contact the Division of Insurance