Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
DLR Subrecipients
The information on this webpage is to assist DLR subrecipients with grants related to the Workforce Training programs.
A subrecipient is a non-federal entity that receives a subaward from a pass-through entity (in this case DLR) to carry out part of a federal program; but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such program. A subrecipient may also be a recipient of other federal awards directly from a federal awarding agency.
When selected as a subrecipient, an agreement between DLR and your agency will be established. Subrecipient agreements with non-state entities can be found at OpenSD.
As a pass-through entity, the DLR is responsible for the oversight of subrecipients we have an agreement with. Please refer to Subrecipient Management Policy 6.16. An overview of information regarding this oversight and review process can be found in the What to Expect as a DLR Subrecipient PowerPoint presentation (Adobe PDF format). DLR recommends all subrecipients review this presentation.
The Cost Allocation Plan template was developed by the DLR to assist subrecipients in developing a Cost Allocation Plan (CAP). A CAP ensures direct costs benefiting multiple fund sources (including federal, state and entity) are distributed fairly among each fund source based on the benefits received. A CAP is essential if a subrecipient administers a variety of programs funded by federal, state, and local agencies.
The Cost Principles Template is an example of a subrecipient’s Cost Principle Policy and provides sound management practices. A written Cost Principle Policy is required by Federal regulations.
Subrecipients must have adequate internal controls. DLR refers to Government Accountability Office (GOA) Green Book for standards on internal controls.
For additional details or reference, see the federal regulations released from the Office of Management and Budget:
Uniform Administrative Requirements (U.S. Department of Labor)
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (U.S. Department of Education)
Current Awarded Grants
One Stop Operator
Department of Labor and Regulation Request for ProposalAdult Education and Literacy Program
Department of Labor and Regulation Request for Proposal (RFP):WIOA Title II’s 2022 RFP #2735—Provision of Adult Education and Literacy Services in South Dakota
Appendix A—One-Stop Infrastructure Costs
Appendix B—Sub-Recipient Agreement Template
Rubric for RFP #2735
Responses to Written Inquires for RFP #2735