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Workforce Training for Young Adults
Get Work Experience
Experience will help you get hired.
Lots of jobs require experience to get hired. A lot of people think "How can I get experience when I can't get a job?"
There are in fact ways to get experience when you've never had a job. The options below all help you develop your job skills, work know-how, contacts and confidence. And having any of them on your resume can help you get hired.
School and Community Activities
Participating in clubs, sports, theater, music, dance, religious organizations and other community activities can be fun and develop your skills. Include these on your resume. Find activities through school districts, community education, local arts groups, religious organizations and the public library.
Volunteer Work/Community Service
Volunteering is unpaid work. You can gain skills like writing, providing child care, teaching, coaching, fundraising, mentoring, making sales, answering phones, organizing materials, doing construction, creating art and more. Call, email or stop in at a nonprofit or school you’d like to volunteer for, and ask about opportunities. Many provide training.
Job Shadows
Explore what a day is like in a career you are interested in by working with a DLR employment specialist to establish a job shadow with a local business. During the job shadow you can learn more about the business, ask questions and expand your network.
Internships are a great way to get experience in your relevant course of study, potentially receive credits, gain employer recommendations, learn directly from businesses and possibly be offered full-time employment with the company. For assistance in applying for an internship, contact your local job service office.
Take the Next Step
To learn more about the Workforce Training program, contact your local job service office to schedule a meeting with an employment specialist.