Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Workforce Training and Education

The Department of Labor and Regulation offers employment and training programs designed to assist businesses in developing a skilled workforce.

By partnering with businesses and learning of career pathways in their organizations, DLR can identify and develop trainings based on the business need. Together these programs can offer reduced training costs, improved retention rates and an increased skilled workforce.

Learn more by contacting a job service office near you.

Adult Education

The Adult Education and Literacy Program helps create an educated workforce by assisting adults in becoming literate and obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency. Contact your local AEL provider for assistance.

Career Launch SD

Career Launch SD seeks to raise youth awareness about career options in their communities through workplace opportunities. DLR helps business partners provide training opportunities including registered apprenticeships, job shadows, classroom presentations, informational interviews and internships. Businesses can grow their workforce and gain exposure for their industries, all while helping youth succeed and reach their potential.

For more information on how to become business partner, visit Career Launch SD.


High School Equivalency

More and more jobs require a minimum education of a high school equivalency. Learn more about high school equivalency, such as available exams in South Dakota to refer your workforce.

Job Shadowing/Informational Interviews

Partner with DLR to allow individuals to explore what a day is like in your shoes. A job shadow or informational interview allows an individual to determine if your field is the right match for them.

During the job shadow or informational interview, individuals can learn more about the business, ask questions and expand their network. Familiarity with the job can reduce turnover. While the individual is learning, you are also learning more about the possibility of their fit in your organization.

National Career Readiness Certificate

The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC™) is an industry-recognized, portable, evidence-based credential that certifies essential skills necessary for workplace success. Learn how your business can use the NCRC in screening, hiring, promoting and training.

On-the-Job Training (OJT)

An OJT is designed to provide job participants knowledge and skills essential to the performance of a job. This can include the introduction of new technology, production or service procedures, upgrading to new jobs that require additional skills and workplace literacy.

OJT is provided under contract with an employer or registered apprenticeship program sponsor in the public, private non-profit or private sector. Employers can be reimbursed up to 50 percent of the wage rate for an OJT participant to help cover the costs of training and supervision. The reimbursement is limited in duration as appropriate to the occupation that the participant is being trained.

OJT contracts may be entered into with registered apprenticeship sponsors or participating employers in registered apprenticeship programs for the OJT portion of the registered apprenticeship program. Depending on the length of the registered apprenticeship and OJT policies, these funds may cover some of the costs of the registered apprenticeship training.

The employer, participant and employment specialist work closely together to ensure the participant is well matched to the training. Monitoring is conducted throughout the training period to ensure that the OJT is successful.

Registered Apprenticeships

Registered Apprenticeship programs are available through the U.S. Department of Labor. This training system produces highly skilled workers to meet the demands of employers competing in a global economy.

The Office of Apprenticeship will work with you to create a flexible training program appropriate for your business, combining on-the-job training with theoretical and practical classroom instruction.

Learn more about the Registered Apprenticeship program.

Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program provides part-time work experience and training opportunities to South Dakota residents 55 years and older. As a host agency, non-profit and government agencies and community-based organizations can partner with DLR to receive subsidized part-time assistance. Learn how to partner.

Soft Skills Training - Bring your 'A' Game to Work

Businesses indicate they need employees with more soft skills and a greater work ethic. In response, DLR is offering the curriculum Bring Your ‘A’ Game to Work. These workshops are developed to instill foundational behaviors and values in today’s workforce. After completing the program, participants will understand the long-term benefits of work ethic, setting a foundation for personal and professional success.

Tuition Assistance

The Workforce Training program offers tuition assistance for eligible individuals in need of training to secure employment in an approved training program. These programs have been reviewed to ensure a high-wage and high-demand job upon completion of the training.

Work Experience

DLR will pay the wages for a Workforce Training participant to work for you to under a work experience partnership. A work experience offers a short-term, part-time learning experience to assist individuals in determining if an occupation is the right fit for them, and builds their skills, references and work history.

Benefits to employers:

  • Receive a paid employee.
  • Get support from DLR staff for training and supervision of the participant.
  • Reduce the cost of training the potential employee.