Yankton Job Service Office
Make an Appointment
Please call 605.773.3372 or stop in to schedule a time with us. Same-day appointments are usually unavailable, so we recommend calling in advance. We look forward to assisting you.
Upcoming Events
Check out upcoming events for job seekers and employers, including Tour de Yankton.
Tour De Yankton Drive Thru Hiring Event
Tuesday, April 15, from 2 to 5 p.m. CDT, Riverfront Broadcasting parking lot (1019 Broadway Ave.)
More details to be announced.
Tour de Yankton is a partnership brought to you by DLR, Yankton Thrive and Riverfront Broadcasting.
Check out our Hiring Events page for other hiring events throughout the state.
Workforce Services Online
Find online programs, resources and tools to help with your job skills, career search, and training from wherever you are, including:
- Virtual & Instructor-led workshops at no cost to you. Workshops include job search, career exploration, resumes, interviews, financial literacy, and soft skills.
- One-on-one online help with your job skills and career search wherever you are. By signing up for Virtual Services, you can access personal job services with a DLR representative.
- View additional Workforce Services Online.
Youth Employment List
Wondering what jobs are available to youth depending on age?
We have compiled a list of some of the employers in the Yankton area who hire youth, and the ages hired.
Community Resources through the 211 Helpline Center
Find other resources in your community by visiting the 211 Helpline Center website, calling 211, texting your zip code to 898211, or emailing help@helplinecenter.org.
Contact Us
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for details on how to apply.
3113 Spruce, Suite 124
Yankton, SD 57078-5320
Phone: 605.773.3372
Get directions to our office using Google Maps. (Please note: The Yankton Department of Labor and Regulation local office is located in the same building as the Yankton Driver License Exam Center.)