Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Business Services | Recruitment and Hiring

DLR provides and facilitates support, education and training to strengthen business in South Dakota. We make a coordinated effort to partner with government, non-profit, business and educational organizations to provide the tools and resources necessary for sustainable employment and economic self-sufficiency for the citizens of South Dakota.


Use our online SDWORKS jobs database to post job listings or get one-on-one, customized support. DLR encourages employers to list the starting wage or wage range on job orders. Listings without a wage are often ignored. The hourly pay or salary is one of the most important pieces of information to potential applicants. Pay transparency can be a powerful recruitment tool.


DLR has a variety of programs and resources to help in your hiring needs and access to several targeted groups of workers.

DLR also provides a general application template for businesses (Microsoft Word format).

New to Hiring Employees?

The following resources are available:

Labor Law Posters

Download the two state posting requirements and other federal posting requirements. We offer a 6-in-1 federal poster at no cost. Contact a Job Service office for more information.

Layoff/Closure Services

Business services staff can provide on-site information and assistance to employees affected by downsizing.

Informational Resources

Find A Job Service Office

South Dakota’s job service offices are staffed with trained professionals ready to help businesses maintain a skilled workforce and handle various labor issues.