Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Job Search Tools

Search for Jobs Online

Did you know DLR’s online jobs database, SDWORKS, has the most job listings statewide? Don’t miss out on the latest career opportunities that could be the perfect fit for you!

SDWORKS is a state electronic labor database of job seekers and employers. You can use SDWORKS to anonymously search this database of jobs that contains, on average, 10,000 job openings and can normally apply for any job you find directly with the employer who posted it. Registering with SDWORKS is without charge and allows you to:

  • Create a professional profile.
  • Choose how you want employers to contact you.
  • Choose to remain anonymous and get information about employer interest in their resumes indirectly through the DLR local offices.
  • Access other services such as creating multiple resumes and other web resources.
  • Use a "scout" feature which allows you to:
    • Configure and save an automatic search based on criteria you choose.
    • Automatically run those searches again at times you choose.
    • Have search results emailed directly to you.

(Please note: You must register with SDWORKS to use the "scout" feature.)

Create your registration in SDWORKS now to start searching for jobs online.

Other legitimate job sites include:

State of South Dakota Government Jobs

Federal Government Jobs

You can also sign up to receive a weekly email of South Dakota government job postings from the South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources.

Job Scams

Avoid online job scams

Report online job scams to the South Dakota Attorney General, Consumer Protection Unit