Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Dakota Roots

Dakota Roots is a workforce recruitment program connecting out-of-state job seekers with in-state career opportunities. Any job listed in SDWORKS is posted to this website, which targets an additional labor force pool in surrounding states and nationwide.

Federal Bonding Program

The U.S. Department of Labor established the Federal Bonding Program to provide Fidelity Bonds to lower employers' risk when hiring justice involved individuals and individuals recovering for substance issues. The bonds cover the first six months of employment at no cost to the job applicant or the employer.

Individuals with Disabilities

There are many benefits of hiring people with disabilities. These individuals:

  • Have equal or higher job performance rates
  • Have higher retention rates
  • Are experienced problem-solvers with a proven ability to adapt
  • Create a favorable impression of your organization
  • Bring unique perspective s and experiences to the workplace
  • Improve productivity through innovation, creativity and tools (accommodations)

View a compilation of resources

Older Workers

The assets of older workers are increasingly being recognized by employers. Those assets include a strong work ethic, high productivity, extensive life and work experience, low absenteeism and turnover rates. Many South Dakota employers are hiring older workers as part of their recruitment efforts to utilize the skills, experience and talents they possess.

The Senior Community Service Employment Program helps eligible individuals earn income and receive training and experience to help develop employment skills while working part-time for a non-profit or government agency. As a host agency, you can give participants new skills enabling them to be competitive in the job market.


Many benefits exist for employers who hire veterans. Not only can you support the Guard and Reserve, but veterans have the following traits:

  • Leadership
  • Ability to work as a team member and leader
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Ability to give and follow direction
  • Sensitivity training
  • Planning and organization
  • Emphasis on safety
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Education

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Employers can receive a tax credit by hiring employees from identified Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) target groups. These individuals consistently experience high rates of unemployment due to a variety of employment barriers.


  • Helps people move from welfare to work
  • Gains people on-the-job training experiences
  • Helps workers prepare for quality jobs
  • Creates high performance workplaces