Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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South Dakota e-Labor Bulletin

Activities of the Job Services Offices of the

South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation

Activities May
Real-time Demand/Supply Indicators Available
from the Virtual Labor Market Data System
Job Openings 20,131
Candidates 1,551
Candidates Per Job Opening 0.08
Total Service to Individuals
Self-service Job Search through SDWORKS 996
Referrals to Jobs Not Listed in SDWORKS 697
Providing Other Information 227
Total Services to Businesses
Viewing Resumes Available within SDWORKS 95
Referring Qualified Applicants for Job Openings 23
Workforce Recruitment Assistance 360
Accessing Untapped Labor Pools 72

Source: Virtual labor market data system, Labor Market Information Center and SDWORKS administrative reports, South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation

N/A - Data not currently available.

See the definitions of the terms used above.

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