Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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South Dakota Plumbing Commission

Homeowner Plumbing

Without a valid plumber's license, you are not allowed to install plumbing in commercial property. However, if you are a homeowner, you may install plumbing in your residence or farmstead on which you presently reside.

You must purchase a Homeowner Plumbing Installation Certificate from the South Dakota Plumbing Commission. To obtain this certificate, mail a $5 check (made payable to the "State Plumbing Commission") to:

217 W. Missouri Ave.
c/o 1320 E. Sioux Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501

We will send your certificate and a packet containing code information the same day we receive your payment. After you receive your plumbing certificate, you need to complete the certificate form and return the white and yellow copies, with the inspection fee, to the Commission office.

Your plumbing must be inspected and approved by a state plumbing inspector. You will need an underground inspection, a rough-in inspection and a final inspection. You can obtain these inspections by contacting our office.

Check the fee schedule for the appropriate type of project (single family dwelling, small commercial, or large commercial).