Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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Appraiser Certification Program

Experience Guidelines for Certification

See our Classifications and Requirements of Appraisers page for experience requirements for each category. See below for definition of acceptable appraisal experience.

State-Registered Appraisers

An applicant for state-registered appraiser certification is not required to have any experience.

State-Licensed Appraisers, State-Certified Residential Appraisers and State-Certified General Appraisers

Applicants applying with experience must submit an Appraisal Experience Log (Microsoft Excel format) that includes each appraisal performed. Only this form will be accepted for assignments and experience hours claimed on or after June 1, 2015. For experience documented prior to June 1, 2015, you may submit the log that you have completed using the "old" log form.

Acceptable appraisal experience includes experience in performing the following:

  • Appraisal
  • Appraisal review
  • Appraisal consulting
  • Mass appraisal

However, for a real estate lending officer or a real estate broker, acceptable appraisal experience includes the actual performance of a real estate appraisal or a professional review of a real estate appraisal, as determined by the Secretary.

Case studies or practicum courses approved by the Appraiser Qualifications Board Course Approval Program may be used to satisfy the appraisal experience requirement. Nonclient appraisal experience may not exceed 50 percent of the total experience requirement.

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