List Wages on Job Orders Employers continue to evaluate effective processes to attract and hire new workers. One simple tip DLR encourages is to list the starting wage or wage range on job orders. Listings without a wage are often ignored. Or even worse, the job seeker might mistakenly assume the absence of a listed wage means it is a poor wage. The hourly pay or salary is one of the most important pieces of information to potential applicants. You risk losing their interest if you do not include the monetary compensation. Pay transparency can be a powerful recruitment tool and indicates the organization values fairness and competitive compensation.
Consider Hiring Out-of-State Workers Here in South Dakota, our economy is growing so quickly our workforce can’t fill all the amazing opportunities. With more than 21,000 job openings, competitive wages, and no personal income tax, South Dakota is the perfect place to get to work. The Freedom Works Here campaign has caught the attention of millions. These freedom seekers understand South Dakota is the best state in the nation to live, work, and raise a family. The Department of Labor and Regulation is actively working with 635 individuals ready to move for the right career opportunity. Moving to a new state is a big step, but DLR’s expert job advisors are helping one-on-one to answer questions not only about jobs, but also about specific communities, housing and daycare options, and of course the weather. We need business leaders, employers, and HR professionals to consider all job applicants from outside of South Dakota as serious inquiries. To address workforce shortages, an out-of-state labor pool is necessary considering the state’s historically low unemployment rate. In past years, it may have been easy to dismiss an out-of-state resident as not being serious about moving. However, the people we are working with are ready for change and ready to improve their overall well-being, happiness, and quality of life. Take the time to explore the skill sets, strengths, and experiences they have to offer.
SDWORKS Benefits: Did You Know? Did you know DLR’s online jobs database, SDWORKS, has thousands of active job seekers? Don’t miss out on qualified candidates who could be the perfect fit for you. SDWORKS is an intuitive job-matching system customized for you based on the information you enter for your job listings. The more detailed you are, the smarter your match. SDWORKS is capable of:
Create your account in SDWORKS now to start recruiting job applicants online. Once your account is created, it will need to be verified before any of your job postings are live. A DLR team member will be in contact within two business days.
Labor Market Information Center Surveys Increasingly, South Dakota businesses receiving one of our statistical surveys are questioning the legitimacy of the communications. Wisely, they are concerned about providing workforce-related information about their business to a scammer or unofficial entity. To provide reassurance, we created a list of the various surveys we conduct in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Employment and Training Administration (ETA). Participation in the surveys comes with a guarantee the information provided will be used strictly for statistical purposes and no single employer's data will be shared. This new Surveys page includes links to the survey forms with background information about the purpose of the survey and contact information for those with further questions. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank South Dakota's employers who participate voluntarily in our surveys. The workforce data we're able to provide, free of charge, would not be available without their invaluable input.
South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation
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